LandSmart Water Resources®
The LandSmart Water Resources Program provides a comprehensive set of tools to help agricultural and rural residential landowners in their voluntary water management and conservation efforts. The RCDs can work with landowners on a variety of water resource issues including: managing surface water, managing stormwater, rainwater catchment, evaluating irrigation systems, improving agricultural irrigation efficiency, monitoring groundwater levels, water conservation, and understanding your water rights.
Vineyard Irrigation System Evaluations
This program provides on-site irrigation system evaluations for vineyard owners and managers. These evaluations determine system distribution uniformity, identify irrigation issues that need to be addressed, and provide recommendations to improve performance. The field evaluations take 4-6 hours. Following the field visit, RCD staff will provide a written report that summarizes the field test results and provides recommendations to improve your system. Staff will also be available to discuss potential cost share programs, such as the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), which can offset costs for growers interested in implementing recommended changes to irrigation systems. Check with your local RCD for funding opportunities.
Alternative Water Supply Development 
The RCD provides technical field visits to landowners interested in developing alternative water supply and storage. Projects range from off stream storage ponds to small rainwater catchment systems with the goals of increasing the amount of water flowing in our streams during the summer dry season and assisting landowners in developing more secure and reliable water supplies, especially important in years of drought. Additionally, utilizing stored water resources instead of creek water during the summer dry season means less water drawn from the creeks, allowing wildlife access to freshwater when they need it most.
Stormwater Management
The RCD’s recently updated “Slow it, Spread it, Sink it, Store it!,” guide to beneficial stormwater management assists landowners to manage runoff, offers best management practices featuring small to large scale techniques, and provides local resources to get your project started. Traditional building and landscaping practices were designed to dispose of stormwater as quickly as possible. This outdated paradigm typically results in significant damage to land, structures, and the surrounding environment. Slowing down, spreading and sinking stormwater can help protect your property & increase its value, provide a free source of water for irrigation, conserve drinking water, beautify your landscape, promote groundwater recharge and much more!
Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Program
The groundwater elevation monitoring program includes groundwater monitoring on private lands as part of an effort called the California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) program. This is the first statewide program of its kind, designed to collect groundwater elevations, facilitate collaboration between local monitoring entities and the Department of Water Resources, and to report this information to the public.