LandSmart for Kids®
LandSmart for Kids brings together students, teachers, community volunteers, land managers, and natural resource professionals to complete on-the-ground restoration. In-class and field experiences meet the needs of the teacher’s curriculum, and the California Department of Education State Standards.
Everyone benefits from LandSmart for KIDS! 
- Enhances knowledge of the local environment
- Demonstrates how natural resources can be managed to benefit agriculture and the environment
- Builds leadership and communication skills
LandSmart Programs for Youth Include:
- FARMS Leadership Program: A year long high school leadership experience allowing students to understand agriculture, natural resource conservation, local food systems, nutrition education, and college & career opportunities.
- TEAM Conservation Education: A field trip program for elementary students to engage with agriculture, nature and protected working lands.
- Clean Water Initiative: Involving elementary students in keeping our waters
and watershed clean
- Acorns to Oaks: Involving middle school students in oak restoration
- Youth Stewards: Involving high school students in local ecology, restoration, and natural resource professions
- DIY at the Eco Reserve: A field trip guide for teachers and docents, containing activities for field trips to the Napa River Ecological Reserve, Napa’s unique outdoor classroom
- Napa Youth Stewardship Council: Extracurricular leadership training for high school students to benefit community and watersheds
Note: not all programming listed above is offered in Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino Counties.
For more information please inquire with your local RCD to see what programs are available to you.