Creek and storm drain care
This recently updated guidebook will help landowners and homeowners make the most of the many potential benefits of innovative stormwater management.
Creek Care — A Guide for Rural Landowners and Residents of Petaluma and Sonoma Creek Watersheds
Wherever you live, your daily activities can affect our creeks. Recently, members of our local communities came together to look at the history of our creeks and developed plans to make sure that they are well taken care of into the future. An important goal of these plans is to let neighbors know about creek concerns and how they can help. This creek care guide was created as a result. This booklet covers what some of the issues are, how you can contribute to maintaining healthy creeks, and where you can get advice if needed. This guide will hopefully encourage and support your efforts.
Caring for Creeks in Napa County
Caring for Creeks in Napa County is designed to encourage and support the ongoing stewardship of creeks in Napa County. It provides information about how watersheds work, recommendations for how you can contribute to maintaining a healthy creek, and a resource directory if you would like additional information or assistance. Much of the information and many of the recommendations are suitable for a broad audience.
Russian River Integrated Coastal Watershed Management Plan